Plasma Membrane: Structure and Functions

Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane

All types of cells are bounded by a thin, porous selectively permeable membrane which is known as the plasma membrane, cell membrane, plasmalemma or cytoplasmic membrane. It distinct the content of cell from the outside environment.   Carl Nägeli and Carl Cramer  first discovered the term cell membrane in 1855 while Janet Quentin Plowe given the … Read more

Chondrichthyes Vs Osteichthyes:General Characteristics and Differences

image of Chondrichthyes-vs-osteichthyes

There are approximately 34,000 known fish species throughout the world which live in either fresh or saltwater environments. They are cold-blooded animals but only the opah (Lampris guttatus) is warm-blooded fish which is also known as cravo, kingfish, moonfish, and Jerusalem haddock.   There are two main groups of fish, namely Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes based … Read more

Fish Fins: Types, Modification and Functions

Fins are one of the most distinguishing features of a fish and they have several different forms. Two types of fins are found in most of the fish: median and paired fins. Median fins are single in number which runs down the mid-line of the body. In fishes, median fins are dorsal, caudal and anal … Read more

Difference between Lysosome and Ribosome

image of Cell showing Ribosome and Lysosome

There are various cell organelles in the cell. They do many important functions inside the cell.  Among the cell organelles, lysosomes are present in the eukaryotic cells while both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells bear ribosomes.  Lysosomes are bounded by membrane and different types of digestive enzymes are present here. ​ It is also known as the … Read more

Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell

image of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cell

On the basis of internal structure, cells are of two types: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are simple and small in size while eukaryotic cells are complex and large in size. Eukaryotic cells have true nucleus and nucleolus with different types of membrane-bound cell organelles such as Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, Mitochondria etc. Well … Read more

Pollution and Pollutants: Causes, Effects and Control Measures

image of pollution

Today, environmental pollution is a major problem which affects humans and other life forms. The earth is a vast ecosystem within it. Green plants are the primary producer in every ecosystem and constitute the functional components. They take carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the process of photosynthesis and maintain equilibrium in the atmosphere. There … Read more