Hormone, Definitions, Properties and Chemical Natures

Image of Hormone

The word ‘Hormone’ is derived from Greek word ‘hormao’ which means “I impel” or “I arouse to activity”. William M. Bayliss and Ernest H. Starling (1904) termed that important chemical substance as hormone though it was first proposed by W. B. Hardy.  In animal physiology, it denotes a specific substance which is effective in a … Read more

Cranial Nerves: Nature, Origin and Distribution, Functions

The nerves of the brain which directly emerge from or enter the skull or the cranium including the brainstem are called cranial nerves. They transmit or relay various information between the different parts of the body and the brain. The main functions include special senses of vision, smell, taste, and hearing. They come out from … Read more

Sinusitis : Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

The sinus infection is known as sinusitis. It is a major health problem which can cause inflammation of the sinus tissues. The people that have weak immune systems are at greater risk to sinusitis. Slimy substances are  produced from sinuses, called mucous that help to keep the nasal passage moist. It also helps to trap … Read more

Thyroid Gland: Hormones, Functions and Disorders

image of Thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland. It is brownish-red that rich in blood vessels. Vital nerves that are responsible for voice quality also pass through the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is found in all vertebrate, but they are quite variable to shape and anatomical position. In some lower vertebrates, only thyroid follicles … Read more

Endocrine Glands: Hormones, Functions and Disorders

image of Endocrine glands

There are two types of glands in the body such as endocrine glands and exocrine glands. Endocrine glands are also known as ductless glands that constitute the endocrine system. The endocrine system forms network in the body and produce hormones directly into the blood stream. Endocrine glands perform various functions in the body. They influence … Read more