Lipid : Classification and Its Roles in the Living Organisms

image of Lipid

Lipid is an organic compound of biological origin that is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Lipid is esters of fatty acids and glycerol of higher aliphatic acids. It is insoluble in water and soluble in fat solvents like chloroform, ether, benzene, and alcohol. Lipids comprise 0.5% of the living body. They are the … Read more

Protein: Types and Its Functions

image of Protein structure

Protein is a polymer which is formed by one or more long chains molecular units called amino acids. It performs a variety of functions in essentially all biological processes.  Important functions are mechanical support, DNA replication, metabolic reactions, growth regulations, immune protection, transportation of molecules, storage of molecules, etc. It is an organic material of … Read more

Nutrition : Nutrients, Types and Importance

Every living organism requires a supply of food for the maintenance of life and the processes connected with life including growth, movement, reproduction etc. A living organism synthesizes or collects its necessary food from the surrounding environment. Mineral, vitamins, and water also required for various life processes. All these essential substances are collectively called nutrients. … Read more

Vitamins : Classification, Functions and Deficiency Symptoms

The word ‘vitamin’ (Latin, vita, life+ amine) is derived from the original word “vitamine”, coined by Casimir Funk in 1912. Vitamin is an organic compound which is found in the food in variable and minute quantity and must be supplied to the animal organism from the external sources. It is a vital nutrient for an … Read more