Carbohydrate: Definition, Classification and Functions

image of Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are the most widely distributed compounds in both plants and animals. Plants can build up carbohydrates from carbon dioxide (CO2) by the process of photosynthesis. The living body contains 1 percent of carbohydrates. Many plants and animals contain large quantities of carbohydrates as reserve food material. They are the compounds which provide energy to … Read more

Algae: Characteristics, Types and Its Classification

Image of Algae

Algae are the green slimy blanket which covers the rock surface or the top of the ponds or a poorly kept aquarium that have the ability to conduct photosynthesis. The algae belong to the subphylum Thallophyta of the kingdom Protista in modern classification of organisms. Latin ‘alga’ means seaweed. These are eukaryotic organisms, autotrophic in … Read more

Cell Wall: Structure and Functions

Image of Plant cell showing cell wall

The cell wall is the semi-rigid, laminated, semi-permeable non-living outermost cellulose coat which is positioned next to the cell membrane of the plant cells, Fungi, Algae, Bacteria, and some Archaea. The protoplasm of the plant cells is separated from the external world by the cell wall which is entirely lacking in animal cells.  Generally, the … Read more

Exocrine Glands Vs Endocrine Glands: Functions and Differences

image of Endocrine and exocrine glands

Glands are a group of cells or organs of the human or animal body which play an important role to secrete particular chemical substances for various body functions.  Generally, a gland consists of cuboidal or columnar epithelial cells which are located on a basement membrane. They are enveloped by a plexus or meshwork of blood … Read more

Phylum Mollusca: General Characteristics and Classification

image of Mollusca

Mollusca makes the second largest phylum of non-chordate animals including snails, octopuses, sea slugs, squid, and bivalves such as clams, oysters, and mussels.  This phylum contains about 100,000 described species. Among all known marine species, 23% are mollusks. But some species live in freshwater and terrestrial habitats. This group displays a broad range of morphological … Read more