Bacteria : Characteristics and Classification

Bacteria (singular-bacterium) are the microscopic unicellular and prokaryotic organisms. It is also known as a microbe. The term bacteria were first coined by F.J. Cohn in 1854.  Bacteria come from the Greek word manning rod. It was discovered by Antonie Von Leeuwenhoek in 1976.  It has a plant like cell-wall and autotrophic mode of nutrition. … Read more

Vitamins : Classification, Functions and Deficiency Symptoms

The word ‘vitamin’ (Latin, vita, life+ amine) is derived from the original word “vitamine”, coined by Casimir Funk in 1912. Vitamin is an organic compound which is found in the food in variable and minute quantity and must be supplied to the animal organism from the external sources. It is a vital nutrient for an … Read more