Cell Structure and Function

The cell is the structural and functional unit of life, which is also known as “building blocks of life.” The science which deals with the study of cells is referred to as Cytology or cell biology. Robert Hooke first discovered the cells in 1665. Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann first developed a cell theory … Read more

Plastid : Types, Structure and Functions

Plastids are the cytoplasmic organelles which are associated with the special metabolic process of the plant cells. It is the second largest organelle of the cell which is bounded by a double unit membrane and may be colored or colorless. Mayer and Schimper first used the term plastid. Plastids are found in plant cells and … Read more

Nutrition : Nutrients, Types and Importance

Every living organism requires a supply of food for the maintenance of life and the processes connected with life including growth, movement, reproduction etc. A living organism synthesizes or collects its necessary food from the surrounding environment. Mineral, vitamins, and water also required for various life processes. All these essential substances are collectively called nutrients. … Read more

Endoplasmic Reticulum : Structure and Functions

All living organisms are composed of cells and cell products. Each eukaryotic cell contains several cytoplasmic organelles. Among the organelles, endoplasmic reticulum performs as intracellular transport system for various substances and also helps to exchange the materials between nucleus and cytoplasm.  Prokaryotic cells and RBC (red blood cell) do not have any endoplasmic reticulum. Endoplasmic … Read more

Golgi Body : Structure and Functions

Golgi body is a parallelly arranged sac-like and flattened structure.  It is bounded by membrane and is found in almost all eukaryotic cells. It is placed in the cytoplasmic matrix near the nucleus. It has various name such as Golgi apparatus, Golgiosome, Golgi complex, Lipochondira. In case of plant cell, it is also known as … Read more

Animal Classification: Basis, and Principles of Binomial Nomenclature

There are approximately 8.7 million species on earth and their variety is simply astonishing. Besides, no two individuals of any animal-form are exactly alike. Hence, there must be some arrangement to group them in orderly categories to study the animal world. The diversity or differences also signify that organisms are really not so different from … Read more