Ascaris lumbricoides: Roundworm

The worm is known as roundworm. It is present all over the world where environmental hygiene is low. The adult worm lives in the lumen of small intestine of human. About 807 million to 1.2 billion people are infected with Ascaris lumbricoides throughout the world. Among them, 10 percent people is infected in the developing … Read more

Plankton: Definition, Classification and Facts

The term plankton was first coined by oceanographer Victor Hensen in 1887. The word plankton comes from the Greek word planktos which means to be driven or drifted away. According to him, plankton is diverse collection of small organisms and the individual organism makes up the plankton, known as plankters. Onec a that time they … Read more

Protein Requirement of Fish: Properties and Biological Functions

The word protein comes from the Greek word ‘proteios’ which means first. It is an important biological molecule (biomolecule) that is made up of smaller units called amino acids. The amino acids are connected to each other by peptide chains and the chains are joined by sulfhydrol bonds, hydrogen bonds and Vander Wallace energy. The … Read more

Live Fish Foods

Live fish foods are now very popular choice for many commercial fish breeders due to their high gradient food value.  There are many important types of live foods available for use in aquaculture. For successful fish farming, you may choose the following one: Microbs Artemia Copepods Rotifers Earthworms Grindal worms Maggots (fly larvae) Microworms Chironomid … Read more

Kidney: Structure and Functions

The body needs some essential foods for maintaining proper growth. These foods should be some protein like meat, fish, eggs, milk, pulse, etc. which are hydrolyzed into amino acids during digestion. Some amounts of amino acid are utilized in metabolic process of energy production. During the metabolic process, some nitrogenous wastes are produced as byproducts … Read more

Eutrophication: Causes, Impacts and Control Strategies

The word ‘eutrophication’ actually comes from a Greek word meaning excessive feeding. When this process starts in a reservoir, it faces terrible consequences. Excessive feeding means that the basic substances that fall into the reservoir cannot be controlled and if this condition continues, the reservoir eventually becomes eutrophic and becomes a dead ecosystem. According to … Read more