Brown Shrike-Lanius cristatus

Brown shrike(Lanius cristatus) is a passerine migratory bird of Bangladesh which belongs to the family Laniidae under order Passeriformes of class Aves. They are also known as also known as “butcher birds” due to their feeding habits. They are found in grassy areas along the hills of Bangladesh, in forests and even in scattered bushes. Systematic … Read more

Watercock-Gallicrex cinerea

The watercock (Gallicrex cinerea) is a passerine bird which belongs to the family Rallidae under order Passeriformes of Class Aves. They are found in swamps across south Asia from India and Sri Lanka to south China, Japan and Indonesia. They roam in places where there is a lot of water. They are found in paddy … Read more

Fish: Definition and Characteristics

Fish Definition & Characteristics

Fish is a primitive jawed vertebrate animal (Phylum: Chordata). They are cool-blooded aquatic animals that breathe and move with the help of fins. Fish originated in the Ordovician period and spread in the Devonian period. That is why Devonian is called the golden age of fish. The study of fish is called Ichthyology. Fish are … Read more

Venous system of Scoliodon

Scoliodon is an Indo-Pacific species which belongs to the family Ceacharrhinidae under order Carcharhiniformes of Class Elasmmobranchii(=Chondrichthyes). It has an elongated and spindle-shaped body which tappers at the end. The head is dorso-ventrally compressed with laterally compressed trunk and tail. The mouth is situated on the ventral side and the entire body is covered by … Read more

Fish Nutrition: Definition and Importance

Every living thing consumes food for maintaining its life or for conducting physiological functions like body growth, movement and reproduction. An organism collects the necessary food from its surroundings. This food is used directly or is used by the body in the form of simple products. Digestion is the process by which the body turns … Read more

Fish Food Types Based on Food Intake

Food is the essential components of life for every living thing in the living world. Every living thing, regardless of plant or animal, takes food from its own environment. So the nutrition of any animal depends on the intake of food and water. Animals consume food for three main purposes, namely: (1) Food provides energy … Read more