Reptiles: General Characteristics, Classification and Examples

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Reptiles belong to the class Reptilia under subphylum Vertebrata of phylum Chordata. The representatives of modern reptiles include turtles and tortoises, crocodiles and aligators, snakes, lizards, amphisbaenians and,  tuataras.  The science which deals with study of modern amphibians and reptiles is collectively called herpetology. The body size ranges from 17 mm (0.7 inches) to   … Read more

Meiosis: Definition, Types, Stages and Significance

Dividing cell is one of the important events in our life which divide each day, each hour, each seconds. In this process, a single cell divides to form two cells and again two cells produce four cells and so on. This process is known as cell division or cell reproduction.  Cell division is of three … Read more

Chromosome: Types, Structure and Functions

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The term ‘chromosome’ is consisted of two Greek words ‘Chroma’ and ‘soma’ which means color body.  The chromosomes have gene bearing rod-shaped form. It is generally found in the nucleus which becomes visible during the cell division. The chromosomes also bears hereditary information.   In 1942, Karl Nagli observed the rod-like chromosome in the nucleus … Read more

Mrigal Carp (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) and Its Life History

Fish is one of the major sources of animal origin protein. Fisheries have a unique role in providing employment, foreign exchange earnings, and nutrition. About 65 to 70 percent of the protein we consume every day comes from fish. There are various species of fish belonging to the family Cyprinidae under the order Cypriniformes. These fish are … Read more

Fish Food and Types: Natural and Supplementary Food

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Fishes are cold-blooded vertebrate aquatic animals. They prefer to feed various types of food due to their different food and feeding habits. Among them, some feed on plant-based food and some like to eat animal-based foods while many fish species take both plants and animals based food and they are known as omnivorous. In this … Read more

Roles of Hormone in Human Body Growth

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There are many hormones in the human body. Among them growth hormone and the thyroid hormones play an important role in the growth of the body. Growth hormones are secreted from the hypophysis or pituitary gland, also known as master gland while the thyroid hormones are produced from the thyroid gland.  Growth Hormones and its … Read more