Feeding of Culture Fish

Fish take food from the aquatic environment for life sustaining, body building and growth. Different species of fish feel comfortable in different aquatic environments. The foods that fish consume from different aquatic environments are varied. Fish consume a large number of living ingredients and inert substances as food. Fish eating techniques are more diverse and … Read more

Heart of Fish: Structure and Functions

The heart is a special pump device with a valve in the circulatory system. In case of fish, the heart is a folded tube that contains three or four enlarged areas. The blood brought through the veins travels from the heart to the gills through the ventral aorta and the heart always contains carbon dioxide … Read more

Excretion in Fish

Different parts of the body, especially the excretory system, are involved in the removal of waste products produced by metabolism. The process of removing nitrogenous wastes from the body is called excretion. The subsidiary system of excretory function is known as excretory system. These excretory substances are formed by the accrual reaction of amino acids. … Read more

Arterial and Venous System of Lamprey

Lampreys are eel like scaleless and jawless animals which belongs to the family Petromyzontidae under order Petromyzontiformes of class Cephalaspidomorphi. They are found in coastal and freshwater habitats around the world except Africa. They can grow up to 100 cm in length  with well-developed eyes. They have one or two dorsal fins with seven gill … Read more

Lungfish: The Oldest Living Animal On Earth

image of Lungfish The Oldest Living Animal On Earth

The lungfish is the oldest living animal on earth. It lives in muddy waters in Africa, South America, and Australia. What seems most surprising about these creatures is that they can survive without breathing air. They have developed the ability to respire through their skin, mouth, and gills. These fish can live without oxygen for … Read more