Difference Between Plant Mitosis and Animal Mitosis

The cell division is the process by which organisms generate new cells. By this process, a single parent cell divides and creates identical daughter cells. During cell division, the parent cell duplicates its genetic material (DNA) and transmits to the daughter cells.  There are three types of cell division such as amitosis, mitosis and meiosis. … Read more

Meiosis: Definition, Types, Stages and Significance

Dividing cell is one of the important events in our life which divide each day, each hour, each seconds. In this process, a single cell divides to form two cells and again two cells produce four cells and so on. This process is known as cell division or cell reproduction.  Cell division is of three … Read more

Chromosome: Types, Structure and Functions

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The term ‘chromosome’ is consisted of two Greek words ‘Chroma’ and ‘soma’ which means color body.  The chromosomes have gene bearing rod-shaped form. It is generally found in the nucleus which becomes visible during the cell division. The chromosomes also bears hereditary information.   In 1942, Karl Nagli observed the rod-like chromosome in the nucleus … Read more

Microtubules: Structure and Functions

Non-membranous tubules are present in the eukaryotic cell`s cytoplasm. These tubules are hollow and ultrafine and their number is numerous in the cytoplasm. These tubules are made up of protein, known as tubulin which maintains the cell shape and plays an important role in the movement. Other proteins like Kinesin and dynein are also found … Read more

Cell Related Terms and Definitions

image of Cell structure

Biology: Biology is a branch of science which deals with the study of living organisms. Cytology: Cytology or cell biology is the study of the structure and function of the cell. Cell: Cell is the functional and fundamental unit of life. Cellular Respiration: Cellular respiration is a process by which cells produce the energy that … Read more

Nucleus: Definition, Structure and Functions

image of nucleus

The cell is the fundamental structural, biological and functional unit of living things. The typical cell contains the most outstanding visual and functional feature, the nucleus. The nucleus is the most prominent organelle which occupies about 10 % of the volume of the cell. The nucleus is the double membrane-bounded dense round cellular component which … Read more