Role of Plant Hormones in Agriculture and Horticulture

There are various synthetic organic compounds which are applied to plants to give some positive responses. These compounds are artificial plant hormones which help in a deficient concentration (< 0.001 M) in maintaining of growth and development of the plants. These are now widely used to get a better result in the field of agriculture … Read more

Blood: Definition, Components and Functions

image of Blood cells

British physiologist William Harvey (1628) first of all expressed the plan of special type of system within the body. This system is called the blood circulatory system.  In our body, this special system perform several functions like carrying food substances, respiratory gases, excretory wastes, and control body temperature and metabolic activities, prevent infection and coordinate … Read more

Economic Importance of Viruses

Virus is an infectious agent with microscopic size that needs living cells of plants, animals or bacteria to multiply. The name virus is derived from Latin word meaning “poison” or “slimy liquid”.  There are various economic importance of viruses. It is used in preparation of sera and vaccines to prevent various diseases. They are not … Read more

Spermatogenesis Vs Oogenesis

Gametes are produced by the animals through meiosis cell division from diploid mother cells (gonads). There are two types of gonads such as testis in males and ovaries in females. The process of gamete production (ovum and sperm) is known as gemetogenesis (Gr. Gamos=marriage; genesis=origin). Testes produce male gametes or sperms through the process of … Read more

Syphilis: Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. It is the top list disease of the world.  This disease is mostly spread out through various sexual activities such as oral, anal sex and by kissing.  The outbreak of syphilis was first occurred in Italy in 1495-1495 during a French invasion. Hence, it is also known as the … Read more

Aerobic Respiration

Aerobic respiration is the process by which complete oxidation of respiratory substrate occurs. In this case, respiratory substrate glucose breaks down in the presence of oxygen resulting in the end products of CO2 and H2O. Most of the cells perform the respiration through aerobic process. Aerobic respiration occurs by completing the series of chemical reactions. … Read more