Carbohydrate Requirements of Fish

Carbohydrates are a large organic group that contains glucose, starch and cellulose. Its common feature is that it contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and their combustion produces carbon dioxide and one or more molecules of water. The simplest carbohydrates are the three carbons that play an important role in metabolism at the secondary level. … Read more

Common Rosefinch: Carpodacus erythrinus

The common Rosefinch is also known as scarlet rosefinch which belongs to the family Fringillidae under order Passeriformes. It is found in Asia and Europe. In winter season, they are observed in southern Iran, South-east China, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar and Indonesia. In summer, they are found in woodland, forest edges very near to rivers while … Read more

Neuron: Definition, Classification, Structure and Functions

Nerves and specialized cells (neurons) comprise the nervous system. Structurally, the nervous system includes two parts such as CNS (the central nervous system) and the peripheral nervous system. The nervous system is highly specialized epithelium tissue for reception, discharge, and transmission of stimuli. The neuron or nerve cell is the structural and functional unit of … Read more

Five-banded Barb: Feeding, Housing and Breeding Behavior

The five-banded barb is an excellent and popular aquarium fish which is also known as pentazona barb,Banded Barb, Five band Barb etc. It belongs to the family Cyprinidae under order Cypriniformes of class Actinopyterygii. It is native to South East Asia. It prefers to live in slow flowing water bodies such as ditches, small rivers, … Read more

Osteichthyes: Characteristics, Classification and Examples

Osteichthyes is the largest class of superclasses Pisces under the subphylum Vertebrata (phylum: chordata). True bony fish belong to this category. They originated in the early Silurian period and in the middle of the Devonian period there was a massive adaptive dispersion between them. Among the vertebrates, the largest variety exists in bony fishes. Scientists … Read more

Lipid Requirements For Fish

Lipids are high-energy nutrients that are used in fish farming as a partial alternative to protein. It provides almost twice as much energy as protein and carbohydrates. It is an important component of the diet because it is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. Lipids work with proteins as important components of the … Read more