Limnology: Definition, History & Development and Its Importance

The word Limnology comes from two Greek words. Greek ‘Limnos’ means lake or submerged body of water and Greek ‘Logos; means knowledge. Therefore, the search for knowledge on the lake is the main topic of limnology. From the origin of this branch to the present day, various scientists have defined limnology in different ways. Below … Read more

Algal Bloom and Its Effects in Aquaculture

An algal bloom occurs in freshwater or marine ecosystem when the population of phytoplankton rapidly increases. You can easily recognize the algal bloom by observing the water color. In this case, pigments of phytoplankton produce the water discoloration.  In the aquatic ecosystem, many photosynthetic organisms such as seaweed and unicellular organisms such as cyanobacteria grow … Read more

Biotic Communities of Lakes and Ponds

Based on the need for subsurface habitat or living independently, different organisms in the stagnant water environment are classified. Organisms that need the bottom of a reservoir to live are called pedonic organisms, while organisms that can live independently are called limnetic organisms. Biotic communalities of lakes and ponds mean biota that live together and … Read more

Lake: Definition, Characteristics and Classification

A lake is a large body of water that has no direct sea connection. The size and depth of the lake varies with respect to pond. In this case, limnology plays crucial role to know the basic characteristics of the lake. The lymphatic and profound regions increase in size than the litoral regionof the lake. … Read more

Carbohydrate Requirements of Fish

Carbohydrates are a large organic group that contains glucose, starch and cellulose. Its common feature is that it contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and their combustion produces carbon dioxide and one or more molecules of water. The simplest carbohydrates are the three carbons that play an important role in metabolism at the secondary level. … Read more

Osteichthyes: Characteristics, Classification and Examples

Osteichthyes is the largest class of superclasses Pisces under the subphylum Vertebrata (phylum: chordata). True bony fish belong to this category. They originated in the early Silurian period and in the middle of the Devonian period there was a massive adaptive dispersion between them. Among the vertebrates, the largest variety exists in bony fishes. Scientists … Read more