Best Aquarium Plants For Betta Fish 2023 – Buyer’s Guide and Reviews

Aquatic plants play an important role in the lives of aquarium inhabitants. Plants in the aquarium have a huge number of advantages: Plants are the lungs of the aquarium. In the afternoon, they produce oxygen during the process of photosynthesis. Plants give guarantee of stable biological balance in the aquarium. Aquarium plants also provide shelter for fish and other aquatic organism. For creating the  natural environment in your aquarium, you should choose the best aquarium plants for betta fish.  

For care of aquarium plants, cutting and pruning must be carried to prevent over growing. Trimming is necessary due to remove rotten leaves, to prevent overgrowing and to cut off the daughter plants. It is necessary to replace the aquarium water with fresh water weekly basis to make aquarium environment healthy. To keep your fish happy, we have done deeply research and made a list of best aquarium plants for betta fish. This list will help you to select the best one for your betta fish.

Best Aquarium Plants for Betta Fish Review

To save your time we have prepared a table of the best Products out there in the market. So let’s get into the table before starting our detailed review. 

Image Product Name Care Level Growth Rate
Java Moss Easy Very slow
Java Fern Easy Slow

Marimo Moss Balls

Easy Very Slow


Easy Fast

Anubias Barteri

Easy Slow

Amazon Sword

Easy Slow


Easy Fast

Red Flame Sword

Easy Moderate

Christmas Moss

Easy Slow


Easy Fast


Easy Fast

Now it’s time for us to get into the detailed review of each plants. 

Java Moss Review

Java moss is an exceptionally popular aquarium plant among the betta fish keepers because of its splendid green tinge. It is found in the tropics of South-East Asia.

It has long exceptionally fanning stems which reach up to 50 cm. It`s stems is dull green in color; little leaves (around 0.2 cm) are painted in different shades of green. It is generally tightly attached to the roughness of rocks and snags.

The plant forms very beautiful thickets. It can be utilized as a substrate for spawning of betta fish and other many fish. The plant is very unpretentious and therefore widely distributed among aquarium lovers. It grows slowly, but evenly throughout the year.

It prefers to grow with temperature ranges of 65 – 84 °F. At temperatures below 71.5 °F, plant growth practically ceases. Hardness and pH of water does not influence the growth of plant. It grows well in soft and in hard water with a pH of 6.5-8.0. It needs clear water. In turbid water, a plaque forms on the moss body rapidly, which damages the appearance of the plant, and disrupts its nutrition. Regular replacement of water should be done for optimum growth but it also grows satisfactorily in the old water.

Lighting and its intensity don’t play a major role in the growth of plant. The plant can grow with negligible measure of light. In brilliant light, the Java moss gets an immersed green shading, the stems start to branch. The thicket becomes dense and shows very attractive appearance. The nature of the soil for the plant does not influence on the growth of the plant. A piece of moss will develop perfectly if you just put it on the base of the aquarium. It should not be covered with soil.

Java moss can replicate effortlessly in the aquarium condition. It is done by cutting the stem. The smallest piece of moss should be placed in the aquarium to get a new plant. It doesn’t should be squeezed to the base, as it sinks under its own particular weight. To make moist greenhouse, a piece of moss should be placed at the very edge of the water on the sloping rising ground. Sometimes, a plant that live on decorative stones or driftwood that rises above the water level itself.

Quick Java Moss Facts

  • Common name: Java moss;
  • Scientific name: Vesicularia dubyana;
  • Origin:– South East Asia;
  • Placement: Background;
  • Water pH: 6.5 – 8.0;
  • Temperature: 65 – 84 °F;
  • Reproduction: Propagation is done by cutting;
  • Light needs: Low to moderate;
  • Growth Rate: Very Slow;
  • Care Level: Easy;


  • It can be utilized as a substrate for spawning of betta and other many fish;
  • It provides shelter to your betta and other fish;
  • It absorbs excess nutrients and wastes from aquarium;
  • It also increase oxygen supply to your aquarium;


  • It needs always clean water:
  • Its growth is slow;
  • Water changes should be done regularly;

Overall, it is a very attractive and popular plant among the betta fish keepers. To keep your aquarium inhabitants glad, you should keep this popular plant in your aquarium. It is promptly available in Amazon Market Place. You can buy it at any time with reliable and sensible cost from Amazon Market Place.

Java Fern Review

Java fern is the most famous aquarium plant among the betta fish keepers. It is originated in Southeast Asia. In nature, it is normally found along the banks of rivers and streams. It makes a decent expansion to the freshwater aquarium hobby.

Java fern is an undemanding plant that is found attached to driftwood or rock cracks. It does exceptionally well under diffuse lighting condition. It can grow up to 35 cm in length and 15 cm in width. It should be planted any place in the aquarium on driftwood or rocks. It should not be planted totally in the gravels as it rots. In the aquarium condition, it does well without an additional carbon dioxide (CO2) or additional manures.

Java fern is an extremely attractive to the aquarium fish keepers because of their green color appearance. It can develop like a weed and can spread over the aquarium. It is a brilliant aquarium plant which grows in any states of water and light.

Java Ferns are appropriate for planted aquariums that contain betta fish, cichlids and other large South American fish. It also functions admirably with plant eating fish like goldfish. 10-25% aquarium water should be changed each other week to prevent the undesirable aggregation of excess nutrients and wastes. Ideal water current is fundamental for proper growth of the plants in the aquarium.

Java fern can reproduce by separating the rhizome or developing the little plantlets that show up on the edges of leaves.

Quick Java Fern Facts

  • Common name: Java Fern
  • Scientific name: Microsorum pteropus
  • Origin: Southeast Asia
  • Reproduction: Rhizome Division
  • Height: 20-35 cm
  • Water pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Water Hardness: 8-15 °dGH
  • Water Temperature: 65–80 °F
  • Light needs: Medium
  • Growth rate: slow
  • Care Level: Easy


  • It provides shelter to your betta and other fish;
  • It gives a spawning spot to betta fish and numerous other fish;
  • It makes a decent expansion to the freshwater aquarium hobby;
  • It absorbs excess nutrients and wastes from aquarium;
  • It also increase oxygen supply to your aquarium;


  • It needs strong water current for proper growth;
  • Growth is slow;
  • 10-25% aquarium water changes should be done;

To keep your betta fish happy you should keep this attractive plant in your aquarium. We prescribe you to purchase this popular freshwater aquarium plant from the Amazon market place with sensible cost.

Marimo Moss Balls Review

Marimo moss ball is a very popular among the betta fish keepers due to its greenish ball shaped body. It is also called Marimo, Moss Ball, Mossimo, Japanese Moss Ball, Seaweed Ball, Lake Ball, Algae Ball, Marimo Moss Ball, etc. It belongs to the family Cladophoraceae under order Cladophorales of class Chlorophyta.

It is filament type green algae and in nature, it is found in lakes of Japan, Scotland, Iceland, Estonia, Ukraine and Australia. At present it is a great addition to betta fish tank.

It has a soft velvety appearance and now it’s ball shaped appearance makes it a very popular among the freshwater fish keepers around the world. Marimo moss balls grow very slowly and for many years it grows up to 10 cm in diameter.

This type of moss does not produce any waste.  Betta fish loves to play with it and they also rest on marimo moss balls. Aquarium snails, Ghost shrimp and other common betta are also big fans of the marimo moss ball. These balls also give space for many micro-organisms such as beneficial bacteria.

Marimo moss balls are very popular among beginners fish keepers due to it`s very easy to care for and they are unpretentious. It needs enough low light and it should not be kept under direct sunlight. For proper care in aquarium condition, balls can be taken out and washed using cold water once a month. After washing, it is desirable to squeeze out the air otherwise it swims until sinks to the bottom. For proper growth of balls, you should rotate it to receive light from all sides.

It requires good water quality with a pH of 6.8-7.9, hardness of 8-20 0 dGH and water temperature should be between 65 and 75 °F. In such condition, the plants grow throughout the year. It also needs very clean water to retain its attractive appearance. In this case, regular water changes and constant filtration are very desirable.

Propagation occurs by dividing the colony and several new balls form if the colony is fixed on a snag or a stone.

Quick Marimo Moss Balls Facts

  • Common name: Marimo, Moss Ball, Mossimo, Japanese Moss Ball, Seaweed Ball, Lake Ball, Algae Ball, Marimo Moss Ball, etc
  • Scientific name: Aegagropila linnaeii
  • Grown-up Size: up to 10 cm in diameter
  • Origin: Japan
  • Placement: Foreground
  • Water pH: 6.8-7.9
  • Hardness: 8-20 dGH
  • Water temperature: 65-75 °F
  • Light needs: Low to moderate
  • Growth Rate: Very slow; 5 mm (0.2 inches) per year
  • Reproduction: Propagation by dividing the colony
  • Lifespan: Over 100 years!
  • Care level: Easy


  • It gives space for beneficial bacteria;
  • It provides oxygen in aquarium;
  • It helps to prevent excess algae growth;
  • It is easy to maintain;
  • It does not produce wastes;
  • It absorbs nitrates and phosphate from aquarium;
  • It provides resting place for your betta fish;


  • Growth is very slow;
  • The ball should be taken out from the tank and washed using cold water once a month;

Overall, Marimo moss ball is a great addition to betta fish tank. It`s soft velvety and ball shaped appearance makes it a very popular among the freshwater fish keepers around the world. It is now readily available in Amazon market place with reasonable and sensible cost. We highly recommend you to purchase this popular moss balls online from Amazon market place for your betta tank to keep your betta fish happy.

Anacharis Review

Anacharis is the most famous plant among the aquarium hobbyists due to its beautiful green like leaf and stem coloration. It originates in Southeastern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.

It is referred to as Elodea, Brazilian Waterweed, Large-bloomed Waterweed, thick waterweed, regular waterweed, South American waterweed, leafy elodea, etc. 

It is perpetual plant that grows in water within 4 m depth ranges. It prefers to live in lakes and moderate moving water, such as streams, canals and rivers. It grows well on fine substrates with a high natural substances.

It has long, linear strands of leaves with grass green to a deep dark hue in color. The leaves are oval to elongate in shape. The stem can reach up to 3 m long with 3 mm thick. It has fine, short, sensitive and strings like white roots that develop from the base of the stems. It produces flowers which are 12-20 mm in diameter with 3 broad, adjusted and white petals focused by a group of nine yellow anthers.

It is a decent plant for beginners due to their fast growth and it makes a nutrient balance in the aquarium. This plant plays key role to prevent algae growth in the aquarium by absorbing an awesome number of supplements from the water. It secretes an anti-toxin substance which also helps to prevent blue green algae.

Anacharis gives shade and shelter to your aquarium fish. It additionally gives a place to fish during breeding period to store the eggs. Normal trimming is required to prevent it from over overgrowing. The tank bottom should have rock or sand like substrate to develop your plant effectively.

For optimum growth, it requires nitrogen fertilizers and sufficient amount of lights. It is a magnificent nutrient controller and oxygen maker for a wide range of freshwater aquariums and it gives reasonable house to betta fish. It also provides house to guppies, angels, gourami or American sunfish. It should not be kept with vast aggressive fishes.

It can reproduce under aquarium condition with appropriate care. In this case, fertilizers should be added to the tank water to get the proper growth. It also needs good  COsupplementation and lighting. Reproduction happens by essentially cutting the stem from the mother plant.

Quick Anarachis Facts

  • Common Name: Elodea, Brazilian Waterweed, Large-bloomed Waterweed, thick waterweed, regular waterweed, South American waterweed, leafy elodea.
  • Scientific name:Egeria densa;
  • Origin: Central/South America
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Stem length: up to 3 meters
  • Reproduction: By cutting;
  • Individual Stem Width: 3-7 cm;
  • Water pH: 7.0-7.5
  • Water Hardness: 8-12 °dGH
  • Water Temperature: 65-82 °F
  • Light needs: Medium
  • Growth rate: Fast
  • Care Level: Easy


  • It secretes an anti-toxin substance which helps to prevent blue green algae.
  • It additionally gives a place to fish during breeding period to store the eggs.
  • It is used as a magnificent nutrient controller and oxygen maker to your aquarium;
  • Anacharis gives shade and shelter to your aquarium fish.
  • It gives reasonable house to betta fish.
  • It also provides house to guppies, angels, gourami or American sunfish.


  • It needs good CO2 system and lighting.
  • It requires nitrogen fertilizers and sufficient amount of lights.
  • Normal trimming is required to prevent it from over overgrowing.

Overall, Anarachis is an appealing, powerful plant and it is an appropriate to aquarium life particularly for beginner’s fish keepers. It is sold in pet stores under the name anarachis or oxygen plant. You can purchase it online from Amazon market place with reliable and sensible costs.

Anubias Barteri Review

Anubias Barteri is the most well-known freshwater aquarium plants among the betta fish keepers due to its hardiness. Naturally, it is found in shaded to semi shaded areas such as streams and bogs.

It is native to Southeastern West Africa. It is an awesome plant which makes an incredible foreground, mid-ground or a background of the aquarium. It provides rich green shading to the aquarium.

It is suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. It is a hardy plant that has dull green, thick and typically wide leaves. This plant can reach up to 45 cm long with thick rhizomes. The leaves are substantial, pointed at the ends and leathery with a length of around 7-10 cm and a width of 10 cm.

This plant is brilliant for aquariums that house betta fish, snails and shrimp, as it gives biofilm, concealing spots, and security for all the aquarium inhabitants. This plant is typically not eaten by betta fish or other plant eating fish because of its hardy and leathery leaves.

This plant does well in part and completely submersed state in little to large aquarium. It needs wide range lighting condition that range from direct light to higher levels. For ideal growth, it needs quality fertilizer and CO2 supplementation. The tank should have lots of water current particularly under high light which serves to prevent spot algae growth.

It produces flower under the reasonable tank condition. To keep these plants little, you should trim the leaves close to the rhizome using a sharp scissors. Many fish that can be kept effortlessly with this plant including bettas, rasboras, tetras, gouramis, danios, angelfish, rainbowfish, livebearers, Corydorus catfish and all types of cichlids. This plant is most ordinarily attached to rocks, driftwood or different decorations in an aquarium.

It can reproduce easily by rhizome division under appropriate condition with proper care. Under the ideal tank condition, following couple of days the new cutting produce roots and stays it to the substrate itself and starts growing.

Quick Anubius Barteri Facts

  • Common Name: Anubias
  • Scientific Name:Anubias barteri;
  • Origin: Southeast West Africa
  • Tank Size: Small to large;
  • Height: 20-40 cm;
  • Placement: Foreground
  • Reproduction: Rhizome division;
  • Water pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Water Hardness: 8-15 dGH
  • Temperature: 72 – 78 °F
  • Light needs: Medium
  • Growth rate: Slow
  • Care level: Easy


  • It makes an incredible foreground, mid-ground or a background of the aquarium;
  • It provides rich green shading to an aquarium;
  • It is suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists;
  • It provides shelter to your aquarium inhabitants;
  • It also gives spawning spot to betta fish;


  • Trimming is needed to prevent overgrowing;
  • It needs extra fertilizer and  CO2 Supplementation;
  • It needs lots of water current;

Overall, Anubias barteri is one of the most popular plants and it is generally accessible in pet fish stores. To keep your betta fish happy, you can purchase this popular plant online from Amazon market place with sensible costs.

Amazon Sword Review

The Amazon sword is the most popular aquarium plant among the betta fish keepers due to its brilliant green coloration and hardiness.

It is native to Amazon River basin where it grows stagnant to slow flowing water within 50-100 cm depth ranges. It generally grows in semi submerged condition.

The Amazon sword is very hardy plant and needs very little maintenance. It has lush green foliage which makes a great centerpiece to any aquarium. Under proper condition, it can grow up to 50 cm in height. Rhizome is short with numerous long and sword shaped leaves. The leaves are pale to dark green in color with about 2-3 cm wide. Tip of the leaves are pointed with fairly short stem.

The Amazon Sword appreciates proper water quality with a pH of 6.5-7.5, hardness of 4-18 dGH and temperature of 72-82°F. To keep your plant healthy, the tank should have iron rich substrate with bright lighting. In this case, lighting should be 2-3 watts per gallons of water for about 10-12 hours per day. But more lighting can cause high algae growth on the leaves of plant. Regular partial water changes can prevent more algae growth.

To prevent algae growth, you can add algae eating shark, dwarf sucker catfish, Octocinclus catfish, Mystery snail, Amano shrimp, Red Cherry shrimp in your aquarium. In this case, Plecostomus, silver dollars, goldfish, Texas Cichlids, Oscar, Jack Dempsey and big cichlids should not be added because they voraciously eat leaves and root system of the plant. With proper water condition it produces flowers on a long stem which emerge above the water surface. The flowers have 3 green sepals and 3 white petals.

It can easily reproduce by adventitious plants or runners under aquarium condition with appropriate care. It should be done when the new plant is big enough. During propagation, simply remove the daughter plants from the mother plant. After removing the baby plant, it should be buried into substrate within three to four inches depth ranges. In this case, it should be done very carefully to make sure that they are not completely submerged into the substrate. Sometimes Amazon sword can propagate by producing flowers and seeds.

Quick Amazon Sword Plant Facts

  • Common Name: Amazon sword;
  • Scientific Name:Echinodorus amazonicus;
  • Origin: South America;
  • Placement: Mid-ground;
  • Maximum height: 50 cm;
  • Temperature: 72-82°F;
  • Water pH: 6.5-7.5;
  • Hardness: 4-18 dGH;
  • Reproduction: Adventitious roots or by runner;
  • Light Needs: Medium to strong;
  • Lighting Hour: 10-12 hours;
  • Growth Rate: Slow;
  • Care Level: Easy


  • It absorbs excess nutrients and wastes from aquarium;
  • It increases oxygen supply to your aquarium;
  • It makes a great centerpiece to any aquarium;
  • It makes your tank environment healthy;
  • It improve tank water quality;
  • It is easy to maintain;
  • It provides natural environment;
  • It gives shelter and security of your tank inhabitants;


  • It provides space for algae growth;
  • It needs iron rich substrate with bright lighting;
  • Lighting duration should be 10-12 hours per day

To keep your betta and other fish happy and healthy, you should keep this favorite plant in your aquarium. It is readily available in Amazon market place with reliable cost. We recommend you to purchase this gorgeous plant online from Amazon market place.

Hornwort Review

Hornwort is a very attractive aquarium plant among the betta fish keepers due to its brilliant greenish coloration and hardiness.

It is distributed in moderately warm regions around the world. It grows in standing and gradually flowing water. It forms thick bushes. Adult plants often do not have a root system.

Hornwort has a long, rather thin stalk, spotted with weak dissected leaves of brilliant green shading. The flowers of the hornwort are little, ugly. It develops in the water column. Hornwort is exceptionally widespread among the aquarium fans, as it grows rapidly and extremely simple. It gives a spawning spot to betta fish and numerous other fish. The plant is a natural filter of the aquarium, so it should be washed time to time under running water. It should be planted in a group in the center or background of the aquarium or float in the water column.

It does well in cold water, moderately warm and tropical water aquarium. It grows quickly at a high water temperature which ranges from 75-82 °F. It prefers moderately hard water with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. In soft water with pH of 6.0, hornwort grows somewhat worse. The plant needs fresh, often replaceable water. Under turbid water condition, its particles rapidly settle on the hornwort and ruin its appearance. Dirty branches should be washed in clean running water and re-placed in an aquarium.

It expects low to direct lighting. For this situation, the normal scattered light is most helpful for this plant. From direct sunlight hornwort is better to cover. If you use artificial lighting, incandescent lamps can be used. For this situation, no less than 0.3 W fluorescent lights for every 1 liter of water should be utilized. The duration of a day light should be large, about 14 hours and it should be not less than 12 hours.

The plant can be grown floating in the water column, and can be planted in the ground. Its root system is exceptionally weak and does not play a significant role in nutrition. In pre-winter, when the lighting falls apart, the growth of the plant backs off, and its stems drop to the base of the aquarium, just the apical shoots stay, from which spring new stems create. Hornwort can repeat effortlessly by isolating the stem. To get another plant, it’s sufficient to take a little piece of the stem.

Quick Hornwort Facts

  • Common Name: Common hornwort, Coontail;
  • Scientific Name:Ceratophyllum demersum;
  • Origin: North America;
  • Placement: Background;
  • Individual stem width: 3-5cm;
  • Water pH: 6.0-9.0;
  • Water Hardness: 5-8 °dGH
  • Water Temperature: 75-82 °F;
  • Light Needs: Low to Moderate;
  • Plant Structure: Floating;
  • Growth Rate: Fast;
  • Care level: Easy


  • It provides shelter to your betta and other fish;
  • It gives a spawning spot to betta fish and numerous other fish;
  • It absorbs excess nutrients and wastes from the aquarium;
  • It also increase oxygen supply to your aquarium;


  • It needs 14 hours day light;
  • The plant needs fresh, often replaceable water.

Overall, hornwort is a very popular plant. It provides rich green shading to an aquarium. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. To keep your betta fish happy and healthy, you should keep this plant in your aquarium. It is readily available in Amazon market place with reliable cost. We recommend you to purchase this gorgeous plant online from Amazon market place.

Red Flame Sword Review

The Red Flame Sword is a very popular aquarium plant among the pet fish keepers due to its hardiness and easy to care for. It belongs to the genus Echinodorus under family Alismataceae.

At present, it is hybridized with Echinodorus schlueteri and Echinodorus barthii. In nature, they are found in North, South and Central America as well as some islands in the region where they are found in marshes and swamps.

Red Flame Sword is undemanding plant that can grow up to 40 cm in height with tall red and green leaves. It can grow either partially or fully submersed condition. Emerged plants produce flowers but submerged plants can propagate through rhizome division or by the production of side shoots.

The red and green leaves add visual appeal to any type of tank. But young leaves are brighter while adult leaves are more green in color. Bright red new leaves are covered with red speckles which make a great centerpiece plant in the aquarium. To retain red colors to your plants, you should provide a large amount of light and fertilizers. In this case, a loose substrate and iron-rich fertilizer should be used. Lighting should be at least 2 watts per gallon of water.

For proper growth, water quality should be suitable with a pH of 6.5-7.5, hardness of 4-20 dGH, while water temperature should be between 72 and 83 °F. It is suitable for background or mid-ground placement in smaller to larger aquariums. This plant make a great focal point if it is used as singly. When it is used in groups, they create an interesting background in your aquarium.

Red Flame Sword can easily propagate in aquarium condition with proper care. Emerged plants produce flowers but submerged plants can propagate through rhizome division or by the production of side shoots. During propagation simply cut off the rhizome using sharp scissor from the mother plant. After cutting the rhizome it should be buried into substrate within three to four inches depth ranges. In this case it should be done very carefully to make sure that they are not completely submerged into the substrate to prevent rot. Sometimes Red Flame sword can propagate by producing flowers and seeds.

Quick Red Flame Sword Facts

  • Common Name: Red Flame Sword;
  • Scientific Name: Echinodorus sp.;
  • Origin: Hybrid;
  • Placement: Middle to background;
  • Height: 20-40 cm;
  • Water Temperature: 72° – 83° F;
  • Water pH: 6.5 – 7.5;
  • Water hardness: 4-20 °dGH;
  • Water Alkalinity: 3 to 8 °dKH;
  • Light needs: Moderate to High;
  • Growth rate: Moderate;
  • Care level: Easy;


  • It makes a great centerpiece to any aquarium;
  • It provides natural environment in your aquarium;
  • It absorbs excess nutrients and wastes from aquarium;
  • It increases oxygen supply to your aquarium;
  • It improves tank water quality;
  • It is easy to maintain;
  • It is suitable for mid to large sized tank;
  • It gives shelter and security of your tank inhabitants;


  • It provides space for algae growth;
  • Loose substrate and iron-rich fertilizer should be used;
  • Lighting should be at least 2 watts per gallon of water;

To keep your betta and other fish happy and healthy, you should keep this favorite Red Flame sword plant in your aquarium. It is readily available in Amazon market place with sensible reduction cost. We recommend you to purchase this gorgeous plant online from Amazon market place.

Christmas Moss Review

Christmas Moss is a very attractive aquarium plant. In nature, it is widely distributed in India, Thailand, Philippines and Japan. It grows in bank of rivers, streams and moist forest soil. It makes excellent ground cover in the aquarium.

It grows up to 10 cm height with nearly round to broad oval leaves. It provides shelter and safety spot for fish larvae and adult fish. This moss also gives space for growing infusoria to make excellent food for fish larvae and shrimp.

You can use this plant for all types of aquarium and it does not provide space for growing excess algae. It is an excellent plant which creates excellent living environment in any aquarium.

Christmas moss is a very popular plant among both beginners and experienced aquarists due to its attractive and gorgeous greenish coloration. In aquarium condition, it requires sufficient lighting. It also needs suitable water parameters. In this case, you should maintain water quality with a pH of 6.0-7.5, hardness of 8-18 °dGH and temperature should be between 65 and 75°F.

To make your aquarium more attractive, you should place the plant in the bottom and walls of a tank. It is suitable for brood betta fish and it helps to remove nitrogen from your aquarium.

It can propagate easily under via division or by producing new shoots and runners in aquarium condition with appropriate care. During propagation, you should cut off small section from mother plants and attach them in a new place with the help of cotton threads. After some days of propagation, it creates new plants and spreads over the aquarium bottom. Trimming should be needed to create more attractive and good shape.

Quick Christmas Moss Facts

  • Common Name: Christmas Moss;
  • Scientific Name:Vesicularia montagnei;
  • Origin: Asia;
  • Placement: Foreground;
  • Reproduction: By division or by producing new shoots and runners;
  • Height: up to 10 cm;
  • Water pH: 6.0-7.5;
  • Hardness: 8 to 18 °dGH;
  • Water Temperature: 65-75 °F
  • Light needs: Low-moderate;
  • Growth Rate: Slow;
  • Care level: Easy;


  • It makes a great centerpiece to any aquarium;
  • It provides shelter for shrimp, fry and betta fish;
  • It improves tank water quality;
  • It is easy to maintain;
  • It is suitable for any size of tank;
  • It provides breeding ground of many fish species;
  • It gives space for growing infusoria to make excellent food for fish larvae and shrimp.
  • It does not need  CO2 supplementation;
  • It helps to remove nitrogen from your aquarium.


  • It provides space for algae growth;
  • It needs trimming to make more attractive and good shape;
  • It requires sufficient lighting;

Overall, Christmas Moss is a very attractive and popular aquarium plant among both beginners and experienced aquarists due to its gorgeous greenish coloration and hardiness. Now, it is available online pet fish store. We recommend you to purchase this favorite plant online from Amazon market place with sensible cost.

Vallisneria Spiralis Review

Vallisneria spiralis is the most well-known aquarium plants among betta and gold fish keepers. It is additionally known as straight vallisneria, tape grass or eel grass. It belongs to the family Hydrocharitaceae under order Alismatales. It is found in water bodies of Southeast Asia.

This plant is unpretentious and it is particularly popular with beginner`s aquarists due to its hardiness. It has long ribbon-shaped bright green leaves which are corkscrew-twisted and form dense thickets. Long leaves provide a suitable hiding space for betta and other shy fish. Under favorable conditions, the leaves can have a length of 70-80 cm. In the aquarium, you should place the plant usually in the background and at the side walls of the aquarium.

It prefers good water quality with a pH of 6.5-8.5, hardness of 4-8 °dGH and temperature should be between 65-82 °F. If the hardness is more than 8 °dGH, the plant feels unsatisfactory, growth deteriorates, the size of the leaves decreases. For optimal growth, it is advisable to regularly change the water.

It needs direct to splendid light. Due to low light, the plant is stretched; the color of the leaves become yellowish. The characteristic light is exceptionally valuable for this plant. As a source of artificial light, you can utilize both fluorescent and incandescent light. Length of the light should be from 8 to 16 hours. Soil must be nutritious with all around silted. When planting in new soil, it does not need extra fertilizers. The root system of the vallisneria is extremely sensitive. It is best to utilize large river sand as a substrate. The thickness of the soil layer should be between 3 and 4 cm.

Under positive conditions, the vallisneria propagates effectively, forming a number of shoots, in which, the daughter plants appear alternately. Within a year, one plant gives a few tens and even hundreds of daughter plants. After the formation of 2-3 leaves and the appearance of roots, they can be isolated from the parent promptly for proper propagation.

Quick Vallisneria Facts

  • Common Name: Vals, Straight vallisneria, tape grass or eel grass;
  • Scientific Name:Vallisneria spiralis;
  • Origin: Southeast Asia;
  • Minimum tank size: 10 gallons;
  • Placement: Background;
  • Water pH: 6.5-8.5;
  • Water Hardness: 4-8 °dGH;
  • Water Temperature: 65-82 °F;
  • Light needs: Moderate to bright;
  • Growth rate: Fast
  • Care level: Easy;


  • It makes a hiding space for betta fish and other shy fish;
  • It improves tank water quality;
  • It grows all the year round;
  • It is easy to maintain;
  • It does not need CO2 supplementation;


  • Trimming is needed;
  • It needs 8-16 hours light;
  • It needs regular water changes;

Overall, Vallisneria spiralis is a very attractive and awesome aquarium plants due to its easy to care for and hardiness. It is now available in Amazon market place with sensible cost. We recommend you to buy this favorable plant for your betta fish tank.

Hygrophila Review

Hygrophila is a famous aquarium plants among the betta fish keepers because of its toughness and appealing appearance. It belongs to the family Acanthaceae under order Lamiales. It is common in Southeast Asia where it grows in swamps, along the edges of water bodies and rice fields.

Hygrophila plant looks extremely beautiful which makes an incredible expansion to betta tanks. It can grow up to 60 cm in tall with thick stem. It`s leaves are organized pair-wise that achieve a length of 20 cm. Generally, the leaf is intensely bright green in color which serves as decent cover for tank equipment. A central vein of leaf is pronounced with darker or dim green in color.

Under aquarium condition, the plant can reach the surface of the water and comes out into the air. In thus case, it should be kept in a high aquarium. In a little aquarium, plants are kept in a shorter form by cutting with the help of sharp scissors, as they effortlessly become over the surface of the water. The plant is placed at the side walls and in the background position of the aquarium. Under aquarium conditions, it is relatively undemanding and grows all the year round.

Hygrophila is easy to keep up in aquarium condition. It requires great water quality with a pH of 6.5-7.5, hardness of 5-8 dGH and temperature of 72-82 °F. However, it can also effectively grow at a higher temperature. If the temperature falls below 72 °F, this plant prompts a stop in growth. In the soft acidic water, the old leaves of the plant are quickly demolished. It is important to replace 20 – 25% water every other week to keep your plant healthy.

It needs brilliant light. With an absence of light, the size of the leaves decreases, they turn into a yellowish tinge. The old leaves crumple rapidly. For lighting, both natural and artificial light are suitable. For artificial lighting, you can utilize incandescent and fluorescent lights with around 0.5 watt for every 1 liter of water. Lighting by incandescent lamps enhances the shade of the leaves. The young leaves acquire a brown shade; the central vein of the old leaves holds a similar shading. The length of the day light should be around 12 hours for proper growth.

For ideal growth, the tank should have nutritious soil with little and medium sized sand and stones. It also needs some additional supplements which get from betta fish and from the soil with right content. During plantation in a new soil, it is desirable to include a little clay in combination with peat.

Hygrophila can propagate very easily in aquarium condition with appropriate care. Propagation can be done by cutting the stem and dividing the creeping rhizome. In this case, the stem should be cut not shorter than 10 – 12 cm. If you cut the stem into small parts, then the plant develops slowly.

Quick Hygrophila Facts

  • Common Name: Swamp weeds;
  • Scientific Name: Hygrophila corymbosa;
  • Origin: Southeast Asia;
  • Placement: Background;
  • Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallons (37 liters);
  • Water pH: 6.5-7.5;
  • Water Hardness: 5-8 dGH;
  • Temperature: 72-82 °F;
  • Maximum Height: 60 cm;
  • Propagation: By cutting;
  • Light Needs: Moderate;
  • Growth Rate: Fast;
  • Care Level: Easy;


  • It provides hiding apace for betta fish;
  • It improves tank water quality;
  • It is easy to maintain;
  • It grows all the year round;
  • It does not need  CO2 supplementation;


  • Trimming is needed to prevent overgrowing;
  • It needs around 12 hours day light;
  • Old leaves must be removed to prevent pollution;

Overall, Hygrophila is a famous aquarium plants among the betta fish keepers because of its toughness and appealing appearance. This plant looks extremely beautiful which makes an incredible expansion to betta tanks. Now, it is available online pet fish store. You can purchase this favorable plant for your betta fish tanks from Amazon market place with reliable price.

Benefits of Live Plants

  • During the day, it absorbs ‎C‎O2;
  • It also absorbs various toxic substances from your tank;
  • It produces ‎O2 for the respiration of your aquarium fish;
  • It provides space for beneficial bacteria which helps to breakdown the waste materials;
  • It serves as food source for many fish species;
  • It prevents harmful algae growth in the aquarium ecosystem;

For what reason, betta fish likes live aquarium plants?

Live aquarium plants play as a partial filter and absorb the toxic and unwanted chemical substrate from the aquarium water. In the wild condition, generally, betas live in shallow areas where thick vegetation is available. Plants make the suitable habitat for betta fish in the aquarium condition. Because plants create a natural environment which can help various types of fish to feel comfortable and relaxed in the aquarium. Although betta is carnivorous fish, they like to bite various plants and take a little fiber in their daily diet to make the balanced diet. For this situation, you should add some live plants to your aquarium and makes the proper living conditions and boost up the optimum health of your betta fish. 

Also Read: Aponegoton Bernier: Housing and Care, Propagation

Final verdict

Aquarium plants are a part of the natural environment and give an entire scientific balance of the present day aquarium. It also adds security to any freshwater aquarium. In a very much planted aquarium, plants give shade from glaring light, security and a characteristic well-being from outside impacts.  Your fish also feel better when you keep them with best aquarium plants for betta fish. 

During breeding season, plants give basic surfaces for the store and treatment of eggs for bettas and numerous different fishes. Live aquarium plants also give living space to common infusoria and other fundamental algae which are important food items for the newborn fry of many fish species. To keep your betta tank condition sound and natural, we prescribe you to keep the best aquarium plants for betta fish in your betta fish tank.

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