Fisheries: Bangladesh Perspective

The term “fisheries” is widely used. Fisheries generally refer to the cultivation and breeding of edible and marketable fish. However, in the broadest sense, it also includes the exploitation of many other aquatic animals besides fish. The prudent exploitation of fish, shrimps, crabs, and various types of mollusks such as oysters, dolphins, and whales for … Read more

Neon Tetra: Fish Species Profile and Care Facts

Image of Neon Tetra

There are currently 157 species and 13 genera of tetra fish, many of which vary in patterns and coloration. The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is an awesome freshwater fish which is placed in the family Characidae under order Characiformes. Native to South America, they were introduced to the United States from the Amazon River basin … Read more

Best Retinoscopes: Review and Buying Guide

Image of Best Retinoscopes

Retina transmits light down the optical nerve so you can see clearly in both bright and dim lighting conditions. The main function of the retina is to transform the rays of light (which strike the eye) into electrical impulses that travel through the optic nerve to your brain. This process allows you to see clearly … Read more

Black Phantom Tetra

Image of Black Phantom Tetra

The black phantom tetra is a tropical fish which is also known as the big-eyed black phantom or just phantom tetra. It is a small freshwater fish that belongs to the family Characidae under order Characiformes. It is native to South America, where it occurs in the Paraguay-Paraná River basin. Systematic Position Phylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataClass: … Read more

Chondrichthyes: Characteristics, Classification and Examples

image of Chondrichthyes

The word ‘chondrichthyes’ came from Greek word ‘chondr’ meaning cartilage and ‘ichthys’ meaning fish. Chondrichthyes include all the cartilaginous fishes that contain cartilaginous skeletons. All the representatives of this group have jaws and paired fins with paired nares. The body is covered with placoid scales. Their body growth range from 10 cm (finless sleeper ray) … Read more

Glycolipid: Types and Functions

Image of Glycolipid Types & functions

The term “glycolipid” defines the combined lipids of the glycerol moiety and these fatty acid chains. Glycolipids occur in nature in combination with proteins, forming larger structures known as glycosomes. Glycolipid is an amphiphilic molecule that shows promise for fighting cancer. It looks like a small soap-bubble; surfactant-based, it dissolves in water (hydrophilic), and within … Read more