Ecological Classification of Fishes

Ecological classification of fishes

According to E.O. Wilson, there are 1.7 million species in the world. At present, this number is considered a small part of the world’s biodiversity. There are 751,000 species of insects known worldwide, including 112,000 species of Lepidoptera, 103,000 species of Hymenoptera, and 290,000 species of Coleoptera. There are also 290,000 beetle species. On the … Read more

Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus): Species Profile

Image of Budgerigar-Melopsittacus undulatus

Budgerigar or budgie (Melopsittacus undulatus) is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot, also known as the common pet parakeet or shell parakeet. In the wild, they can be found in native Australia, and native parts of South Africa. They became popular as pets in the 1920s and remain so today, with over 400 varieties of budgerigar … Read more

Panthera tigris : Species Profile

image of Panthera tigris

Panthera tigris is the biggest cat in the planet. It has a total body length that ranges from 10.0 to 26.0 ft. with weight up to 520 kg. The body contains a pattern of dark stripes with reddish-orange fur but the underpart is lighter in color. Systematic Position of Panthera tigris Phylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataClass: MammaliaOrder: … Read more

Honey Gourami: A Species Profile

image of Honey gourami

The Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna) is a popular aquarium fish with an appearance that makes the aquarium more attractive among the pet fish keepers. It has a distinct honey color pattern than other gouramis. They also have a large hump on their head. Their common name, “Honey Gourami“, refers to the coloration, which is complemented … Read more

Fisheries: Bangladesh Perspective

The term “fisheries” is widely used. Fisheries generally refer to the cultivation and breeding of edible and marketable fish. However, in the broadest sense, it also includes the exploitation of many other aquatic animals besides fish. The prudent exploitation of fish, shrimps, crabs, and various types of mollusks such as oysters, dolphins, and whales for … Read more

Neon Tetra: Fish Species Profile and Care Facts

Image of Neon Tetra

There are currently 157 species and 13 genera of tetra fish, many of which vary in patterns and coloration. The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is an awesome freshwater fish which is placed in the family Characidae under order Characiformes. Native to South America, they were introduced to the United States from the Amazon River basin … Read more