Beginners Care Guide to Keeping Fish in an Aquarium

image of Aquarium care guide

Aquarium is an actually a container which is used to keep pet fish and other organisms. It can be a great addition to any home. They provide an appealing and aesthetical look and making your home attractive. If you are thinking of getting an aquarium, there are a few things you need to know first. … Read more

How to Maintain a Freshwater Fish Tank

image of Fish tank maintenance

Have you ever considered keeping a freshwater fish tank? There are many benefits to having a freshwater fish tank in your home. Not only do they look great, but they can also help to purify the air and improve your mental wellbeing. For keeping fish and other aquatic organisms in a fish tank, you should … Read more

Amazon Sword Plant: Care Fact and Propagation

Amazon sword plant is the most popular and common freshwater aquarium plants which is available in the pet stores with sensible cost. There are two popular varieties of amazon sword plant of which one is Echinodorus bleheri that has broad leaves while another variety is Echinodorus amazonicus that contains narrower leaves. These plants provide great … Read more

Neon Tetra: Fish Species Profile and Care Facts

Image of Neon Tetra

There are currently 157 species and 13 genera of tetra fish, many of which vary in patterns and coloration. The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is an awesome freshwater fish which is placed in the family Characidae under order Characiformes. Native to South America, they were introduced to the United States from the Amazon River basin … Read more

Goldfish Care Facts

The goldfish is a single-tailed, type of freshwater fish that has the scientific name Carassius auratus. It is also known as the Common Goldfish or just simply Goldfish. They are found in habitats all over the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Asia. They are most commonly found in Japan. Goldfish are … Read more

Bolivian Butterfly Cichlid: Housing, Feeding and Sexing

The Bolivian butterfly cichlid is a very attractive aquarium fish among the freshwater pet fish keepers. It is also known as Bolivian Ram, Ruby Crown Cichlid, Hifin cichlid etc. It belongs to the family Cichlidae under order Perciformes of class Actinopterygii. In nature, it is found in Bolivia and Brazil. It prefers to live in … Read more