Narrow Leaf Chain Sword-Echinodorus tennelus

image of Narrow leaf chain sword

The Narrow Leaf Chain Sword-Echinodorus tennelus is a popular aquarium plant that can be found in many pet stores. It is also known as Pygmy Chain Sword, Dwarf Amazon sword, Micro Sword, etc. This plant is easy to care for and grows quickly, making it a great choice for beginner aquarists. It thrives in both … Read more

Beginners Care Guide to Keeping Fish in an Aquarium

image of Aquarium care guide

Aquarium is an actually a container which is used to keep pet fish and other organisms. It can be a great addition to any home. They provide an appealing and aesthetical look and making your home attractive. If you are thinking of getting an aquarium, there are a few things you need to know first. … Read more

How to Maintain a Freshwater Fish Tank

image of Fish tank maintenance

Have you ever considered keeping a freshwater fish tank? There are many benefits to having a freshwater fish tank in your home. Not only do they look great, but they can also help to purify the air and improve your mental wellbeing. For keeping fish and other aquatic organisms in a fish tank, you should … Read more

How to Care For Freshwater Aquarium Plants

Image of Aquarium plants care

Aquarium plants are a beautiful and beneficial addition to any freshwater tank. Aquarium plants help to improve water quality and provide hiding places and shelter for fish. It also adds beauty and makes the aquarium more attractive. During choosing the aquarium plant for your aquarium, you should consider the following points: the size of your … Read more

Amazon frogbit plant-Limnobium laevigatum

image of Amazon frogbit

Amazon frogbit plant-Limnobium laevigatum is a floating aquatic plant. They can be grown in any type of aquatic environment and will thrive in full sun or partial shade. It is also known as Amazon water-shield, floating water hyacinth, South American Spongeplant, Smooth frogbit and West Indian lily. This plant is easy to care for and … Read more

Bolivian Sword-Helanthium bolivianum

The Bolivian sword-Helanthium bolivianum is a popular aquarium plant that can be found in many pet stores. It is easy to care for and makes a great addition to any aquarium. It can be used as either a foreground or background plant, and provides plenty of cover for fish hiding from predators. It grows quickly … Read more