Algone vs Purigen: A Complete Comparison

Both algone and Purigen are popular aquarium filter media, but they have different benefits and drawbacks. Algone is a natural product made from seaweed extract, while Purigen is a synthetic polymer.

Algone Overview

Algone is a great filter supplement product for removing nitrate, waste particles, and algae from your aquarium. It is especially used to prevent common problems in the aquarium. It is easy to use and it works quickly.

Algone is a product from the algone brand. It is a very popular product for removing nitrates from aquarium water. You can make ideal solutions of different tank problems by using this algone product. It is a quite risk-free product that does not harm all forms of aquarium fish, plants, and other aquarium inhabitants.

It is suitable for any filter system and you can use it for both freshwater and saltwater tanks with plants and sensitive reef tanks.

In the market, algone nitrate remover is available at a reasonable cost in the form of liquid or packets. In this case, you have to just instantly add it to the aquarium filter.

This product is easy to use and safer for your aquarium inhabitants including fish, corals, plants, snails, polyps, live rock, and other invertebrates. You can easily use it for your small to medium-sized aquariums.

Algone helps to enhance and maintain the bio-availability of trace elements. It absorbs various organic and inorganic pollutants and toxins from the aquarium water. It helps to enhance the activity of the microbes and corrects nutrient imbalances.

It maintains the chemical and biological balance of the aquarium by breaking down of various elements such as protein, carbohydrate, fat, and other waste products. Algone also upgrades the tank habitat of nitrifying bacteria by creating higher dissolved oxygen levels in the tank.

Nitrate produces continually and is accessible to the plants even at imperceptible levels. Displace Algone less regularly if more mature leaves show a slight yellowish/red staining (lack of nitrogen). As a striking advantage Algone upgrades the bio-accessibility of specific supplements and minerals fundamental for plant growth.

Algone frequently eliminates waste products from the aquarium that have adverse impacts on the well-being of the aquarium. It can absorb waste supplements and they are securely held inside the Algone pouch. They won’t deliver them back into the water.

Benefits of Algone

• It helps to clear cloudy water from your aquarium;
• Preventing problems caused from nitrates;
• It eliminates or reduces nitrates from the fish tank;
• It helps clear green water from the tank;
• It helps to maintain the biological balance of the tank;
• It lessens the stress of aquarium fish and other organisms triggered by hurtful nutrients;
• It is safe for the live plants, fish, snails, coral, polyps, frogs, and bottom feeders;
• Preventing general problems created by failing quality of water;
• It creates the aquatic environment healthy by removing harmful and lethal nutrients;
• It helps to increase the DO level in aquarium water;
• It helps to eliminate soluble protein and carbohydrate;
• It also eliminates soluble many organic pollutions;
• It helps to defend trace components;
• Algone makes the reef aquarium healthy by providing a low-nutrient environment;
• You can use it for small to medium-sized aquariums; You can use it for reducing unwanted algae from the tank;
• It is also suitable for reef tanks;

Some Properties of Algone

Clearing Cloudy Aquarium Water

Algone breaks down waste products and produces insoluble complex substances by using enzymes. It contains biopolymers that eliminate inorganic and organic pollutants and produce crystal clear water in the aquarium.

Acts as Nitrate Removal in the Aquarium

Algone can easily eliminate nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia from the aquarium. Excess levels of nitrate cause a serious problem with sensitive organisms like fish, corals, polyps, plants, and other invertebrates. In this case, you should use algone supplement in your aquarium for removing nitrates and ammonia and preventing negative impacts on aquarium inhabitants.

Algone Smplifies Aquarium Maintenance

Algone simplifies and makes your aquarium maintenance easy by eliminating ammonia, nitrates, and various other pollutants from the water. Nitrates hamper water quality and increase waste products in the tank. By using algone supplements, you can easily solve and prevent poor water quality problems.

Creating Balanced Aquarium

You can easily create and maintain a balanced fish tank by using algone. It helps to offer a suitable environment for your fish and other aquarium inhabitants. Poor water quality leads to many diseases of fish. Algone reduces nitrates, ammonia, dissolved organics, and other pollutants in the aquarium preventing any stress on fish and other aquatic organisms.


• Providing crystal clear water in your tank;
• It helps to clear green, cloudy and musky water from the tank;
• It is safe for aquatic plants, fish, and other aquatic organisms;
• It helps to boost up the dissolved oxygen content in the aquarium;
• It can work very effectively;
• It shows positive results within 48 hours after application of algone; In many cases, it can require a week or 10 days to perform activities;


• It is somewhat expensive to purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Algone safe for my plants and aquarium fish?

The safety of Algone will depend on the specific plants and aquarium fish. However, algone is generally considered safe for both plants and aquarium fish when used according to the product instructions. Always be sure to read and follow the product label carefully before using algone.

How much algone do I need for the maintenance of the aquarium?

Some people may only need a small amount of algone for their aquarium, while others may need more. It all depends on the specific needs of your aquarium and the condition of your water. Talk to an expert at your local pet store to get a better idea of how much algone you need for your tank.

Generally, the amount of algone required for aquarium maintenance will vary depending on the size and type of aquarium, as well as the specific needs of the aquatic plants and animals housed therein.

If you use it, it should be replaced weekly basis. In this case, if your aquarium contains crystal clear water with desired levels of nitrates, algone should be applied every 2-4 weeks as a preventive measure.

Does algone have any side effects on aquarium inhabitants?

Some people who have used algone report that it has had no adverse effects on their aquarium inhabitants, while others say that it has caused some fish to become sluggish or even die. Until more research is conducted, it is best to use caution when using this product in an aquarium setting.

The long-term effects of algone on aquarium inhabitants are not yet known. Because it is non-toxic and harmful-chemical free. However, it is generally recommended that a small amount of algone is used at a time and that any unused product be disposed of properly.

Is algone safe for corals?

The safety of algone for corals has not been extensively studied. However, it is generally assumed that algone is safe for corals, live rocks, and polyps as it does not contain any harsh chemicals or toxins. Actually, algone makes the aquarium environment safe by maintaining a low nitrate level which is suitable for corals, live rocks, polyps, and invertebrates, etc.

Can I use algone in my saltwater aquarium?

Algone is not specifically designed for saltwater aquariums. Some users have had success using it in saltwater tanks, while others have not. It is always best to consult with a specialist before using any type of product in a saltwater tank. In general, it is a chemical-free and non-toxic substance. If you use it in the saltwater tank, it creates a suitable aquatic ecosystem for your sensitive organisms.

How do I use algone?

Algone is a product that helps to remove harmful toxins and pollutants from water. You can use it for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Algone is used in the filtration system 1-2 times a month as a preventive measure for making a healthy aquarium.

What size aquarium is algone for?

The size of an aquarium will vary depending on the type and number of fish being kept or on their individual needs and preferences. Some people may prefer a smaller tank while others may want a larger tank. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what size aquarium they would like. However, a good rule of thumb is that an aquarium should be at least 10 gallons for every 1 inch of fish. So, for example, if you are keeping 5 small fish (1 inch each), you would need a 50-gallon aquarium.

In general, you can use algone in any size of aquarium and it is safe and effective for your aquarium habitats. The tank should be ranged from one to thousands of gallons. Aquarium enthusiasts, aquarium fish breeders, and professional zookeepers also use algone for making a suitable and perfect aquatic environment.

Is algone safe for my plants?

The safety of algone for plants will vary depending on the type of plant and its specific needs. However, algone is generally considered to be safe for most plants when used as directed. Always consult with a qualified horticulturist or other gardening experts if you are unsure whether or not algone is safe for your plants.

Purigen Overview

Purigen is a synthetic macro-porous organic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water at an extremely high rate. It is used in both saltwater and freshwater aquariums to remove organic matter, colorants, proteins, dyes, and other pollutants.

Purigen helps stabilize pH by removing ammonia and nitrite. Purigen also binds to metals and other toxins, making them unavailable for uptake by plants or animals.

Purigen helps to lessen pollutants from the tank produced by fish and other aquarium inhabitants. It also helps to improve clarity, color, and overall water quality. It regulates ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites by eliminating nitrogenous organic waste. It helps to boost up the redox significantly.


• Removing organic compounds including dissolved organics and color from the water;
• Improving water clarity by removing organic pollutants;
• Reducing the need for filter media replacement;
• Control algae growth;
• Purigen is non-toxic to fish and invertebrates;
• It helps to regulate nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia levels in aquarium water;


• Its high price tag and limited availability;
• Difficult to use in large quantities;
• It needs regular replacement (every 2-4 weeks);

Comparison Between Algone and Purigen

Both algone and Purigen are popular aquarium filter media, but they have different benefits and drawbacks. Algone is a natural product made from seaweed extract, while Purigen is a synthetic polymer.

Algone can help improve water clarity by removing dissolved organic material, while Purigen can remove heavy metals and other toxins. However, algone also releases carbon dioxide into the water which can lower pH levels, while Purigen can be expensive compared to other filter media options.

There are many different opinions on what is the best way to deal with aquarium water quality. Some people prefer to use products like Algone, while others believe that Purigen is the better option. Ultimately, it comes down to what works best for each tank and its inhabitants.

Both products are marketed as being able to remove various types of impurities from aquarium water. However, they likely work in different ways; Algone may utilize organic carbon molecules to adsorb contaminants, while Purigen may use an ion exchange process.

The two products likely differ in how they work, depending on the brand. Some users may find that Algone works better at removing certain types of pollutants or unwanted organisms from their aquarium water, while others may prefer Purigen for its ability to stabilize pH levels and reduce nitrate levels. Ultimately, it is up to each aquarist to decide which product works best for them and their tank setup.

Concluding Remarks

Both Algone and purigen are popular aquarium filtration media, but they work in different ways. Algone helps to break down organic material in the water, while purigen removes toxins and other impurities. So each has its unique benefits for keeping your tank clean and healthy.